Three Signs Mobile Search is Taking the Lead

With each passing day, mobile browsing becomes more and more prominent. As many as 57% of all internet traffic now comes from mobile browsing rather than desktop.1 As users spend more time searching on mobile, search engines and advertisers alike are responding. The digital landscape is changing right before our very eyes, and there are three clear signs that the tide has shifted towards mobile—possibly for good!

Increased Mobile Revenue

Until very recently, desktop outperformed mobile in terms of sheer ad revenue. However, that has changed. According to the Internet Advertising Bureau, mobile ad revenues accounted for a majority of all digital ad revenues by 2016, finally surpassing desktop.2 By 2017, mobile ad revenue had increased a further 40%, generating $21.7 billion at the end of Q2, again edging out desktop ad revenue.3 On some platforms, the disparity between mobile and desktop revenue is even more drastic. Facebook reported that, in the first quarter of 2018, 90% of their total ad revenue was generated through mobile.4

Users Spending More Time on Mobile

In another study, the Internet Advertising Bureau took a closer look at smartphone use across the globe. Their research found that 63% of all people use their mobile device at least once every thirty minutes. Meanwhile, 60% of Americans reported checking their mobile device once every half-hour.5 As users spend more and more time on their devices, the opportunities for mobile advertising revenue grows with it.

Google Mobile-First Indexing

First announced in 2016, Google’s Mobile-First Indexing plan is now being implemented, with customers reporting the first signs of results.6 Google is making it clear that if you do not develop mobile-focused content, you will be missing out greatly. Creating a dynamic strategy that accounts for users rapidly shifting towards a mobile-first future is essential to stay competitive in this digital climate.

Generate Leads from Mobile and Desktop Alike with Aronson Advertising

Now more than ever, it’s essential to create content catered to mobile users. As figureheads like Google and Facebook respond to the amount of users searching through handheld devices, business need to keep up to stay competitive. Aronson Advertising works with dealers like you to create a tailored marketing strategy so you can stay on the forefront. Want to talk to the team at Aronson Advertising? Give us a call at (847) 297-1700 or contact us online to get in touch today.

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