Targeting The Hispanic Market in PPC

The Hispanic market represents a largely ignored audience in paid search that advertisers could use to expand their reach. According to data from the 2010 census, the Hispanic market makes up 17% of the U.S. population and is projected to continue to grow at a fast pace in the coming years. What does this mean for your business? There is huge potential in reaching the Hispanic market for the Pay Per Click (PPC) industry as there is not much competition as of yet. Continue reading to better understand why and how your PPC campaign can better improve when targeting this audience.

Finding The Hispanic Audience

English is the default setting when creating most new PPC campaigns, making it difficult to reach the Spanish-speaking users. To find the Hispanic audience, you will need to do some research. One way to do so is by using Google Analytics which allows you to view demographic data, including languages spoken and the geographic location of your audience. If there is a high volume of search traffic, suggesting the creation of a separate Spanish language campaign to your clients can help to target the Hispanic market.

Spanish Campaign in PPC
Spanish Campaigns in SEM

Structuring Spanish Campaigns

The best way to structure a Google Ad in a different language is to have separate campaigns for Spanish and English audiences. The use of these campaigns allow you to target both the Spanish and English speaking audiences in the U.S. Adding a Spanish campaign can target individuals who have their browsers set in Spanish and can help build a relationship with a new audience. Additionally, the separate campaigns will allow you to see exactly where the traffic is coming from and what your audience looks like. There may be cases where Spanish-speaking individuals may not change the Google language settings from English to Spanish, so this is something you need to be aware of when targeting this audience.


According to a Google study, 88% of digitally connected Hispanics pay attention to online ads that reference Hispanic culture, and 41% feel positive toward brands that specifically target the Hispanic culture in their advertising. Including values that are present in the Hispanic culture like the importance of family in advertising materials can also help engage with the Hispanic audience.

Creating Spanish Language Display Campaigns

Search campaigns aren’t the only way to reach the Hispanic community, display and video campaigns can also be beneficial tools. Creating Spanish language display banners can lead to increased traffic among Spanish speaking individuals compared to display banners in English. It may be that Spanish speaking individuals are more drawn to words or phrases in ads in their language when compared to English.

Researching Spanish Keywords, Rather Than Translating

  • Direct translation does not always work as words can have different meanings due to differing dialects of the Spanish language.
  • You want to make sure you’re targeting the right audience and in the correct location.
  • Once you find a couple of keywords corresponding to your business, check the Spanish keyword volume to see how competitive it is. You can use the Google Keyword Planner Tool in Google Ads.
  • Google Ads Keywords Planner is very helpful to see the search volume for the keywords in individual locations and is a great way to get ahead of your competition. The search volume in the U.S. Hispanic Market is very large, so finding the right keywords is important.
  • Using ad extension in Spanish can help reach a larger audience.
  • Learn more about ad extension here.
Spanish Keywords

Lower Spanish Language CPC’s

Typically, cost per click in the Spanish language are lower than in any other language and many marketers aren’t aware of the potential that it has for their campaigns to reach the Hispanic audience. Due to the lack of use of the Spanish language in campaigns there is less competition in this market and this presents a large opportunity that can’t be ignored. Give it a try and use this to your advantage!

Historically speaking, the Hispanic market has been neglected by advertisers, but recently more and more companies are recognizing the benefits of targeting the Hispanic market. They represent a large portion of the population, and should therefore not be ignored. By utilizing the information included in this blog post, you can effectively engage more with the Hispanic market. Don’t miss out on an opportunity like this.

! Buena Suerte ! To learn more about how to better target your audience or if you like assistance in setting up your next PPC campaign, connect with the experts at Aronson Advertising today! Give us a call (847)-297-1700 or fill out our contact form.

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