How to Optimize Your YouTube Channel to Drive Traffic to Your Site

Are you looking to drive traffic from YouTube to your website? The more traffic to your website, the more opportunities to gain new leads, grow brand awareness, and really gage if your audience likes your products or services.

We’ll be covering three ways you can start implementing that will help you drive a great deal of referral traffic to your site. Continue reading to learn how.

Stop Selling & Provide

The first step in driving traffic to your site is by sharing valuable content. The more value you can provide your audience, the more they will look forward to seeing new content on your channel. The main goal is to understand the needs of your target audience and find ways to help them solve a problem they have. By providing value, you will be able to grow your YouTube channel and effortlessly send tons of free traffic to your site.

Optimize Your Videos for SEO

In order to have people find your videos in the search results, you will need to optimize for SEO. The main focus should be on the thumbnail, title, tags, and description. Create an eye catching thumbnail image that will get your videos noticed and persuade viewers to click through to watch.

You’ll need to do research for keywords for tags, titles, and descriptions. Using the tags to optimize your videos is an important step to make your videos rank better and gain a wider YouTube audience. We recommend having at least 12 keywords to use in your tags, title, and description.

A great tool for keyword research is Google AdWords Keyword Planner. Focus on keywords with high search volume and low competition that are relevant to the video’s topic. If you go after competitive keywords and your channel doesn’t have that many followers, your videos are going to get buried in the search results.

Now that you’ve found your keywords, you’re ready to optimize your video title, description, and tags. Your title should address the problem your users are having and include the main keyword you want to rank. The video description is a piece of metadata that helps YouTube understand the content of a video, and it’s an important factor when ranking in the search results. The video description should include your title, a short description of what the video is about, and your keywords. Make sure to add the keywords in an organic way that describes what the video is all about to avoid keyword stuffing.

Ask Your Audience to Visit Your Site

The easiest way to drive traffic to your site is simply by asking. Make sure that in the introduction of each video, you ask your viewers to visit your site. This simple act can drive hundreds of new visits per day. You can also have a text overlay with your site URL in the video screen telling where they can go to get more of your amazing content, products, or services.

Using these tips will help you optimize your YouTube channel and drive free referral traffic back to your site.

If you’re looking for a team of social experts to handle your dealership’s YouTube channel, contact Aronson Advertising by calling at (847) 297-1700 or fill out our online form here!

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