15 Digital Marketing Terms You Should Know

The digital marketing industry is constantly evolving, and in order to keep up with new trends, there are a number of key terms you should know. Many of the following terms are specific to SEO and PPC, and you’ll hear nearly every word and more in the digital department at Aronson Advertising on a regular basis. Continue reading to learn which digital marketing terms are essential to understanding what the Aronson team is doing for your business.

A/B Testing

A method of testing different variants of an ad or landing page by showing both versions to different users in order to determine which variation performs better.


An incoming link from one website to another. As a metric for ranking, the more websites that link to your webpages, the more authority your website will have.

Bounce Rate

The percentage of visitors to a website that leave the page without interacting with any part of the page. A low bounce rate is desirable, with averages being anywhere between 40-60%.


Can also be called a robot or crawler. A program that search engines use to find web pages to add to their search indexes. Bots can also find duplicate or plagiarized content.

Call to Action (CTA)

A phrase on an ad or landing page that encourages a user to perform a desired action such as making a phone call or filling out a form.

Click-through Rate (CTR)

A metric used to show how often users click on an ad after they see it. You can determine this metric by dividing the total number of clicks by the number of times the ad was seen. CTR is used to determine how effective your ad is.


When a user takes a desired action while on your website, such as submitting a form, making call, or completing a purchase.


Used to strategically target your ad or campaign toward a specific geographical area, city, or zip code.


Stands for Hypertext Markup Language. This is the standard markup language for creating web pages.


A term that is used to represent how many times an ad was shown to a user.

Meta Description

A meta tag that provides a description of the page in less than 160 characters and appears in search engine results.


A source of website traffic that comes through a non-paid search engine result. Organic traffic increases as a site ranks better for keywords.


A type of paid ad that allows an advertiser to show ads to users who have previously visited their site with the goal that they return.


Stands for Search Engine Results Page, meaning the page that appears after a user has submitted a query.


Stands for User Experience. UX refers to how a user interacts with a webpage, and is dependent upon page layout, content, etc.

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