Writing Engaging Ad Copy In Google Ads

Catching your audienceā€™s attention can be difficult. This is why it is imperative to have ad copy that engages users. One of the key steps in improving your Click Through Rate (CTR) is developing engaging ad copy. Implementing ads that engage is what sets you apart from other marketers, and helps you stay at the top of the search results page. Letā€™s walk through the process of creating engaging ad copy.

Final URL

Creating an ad in Google Ads is a simple process. We start with the final URL. Not to be confused with Display URL lines, the final URL space is where you will be landing users after they click your ad. Your ad copy should align clearly with the landing page. If your ad copy is about a specific page on your website, land the user to that page, or any other page that is relevant to your ad text.


Headlines one, two, and three provide 30 characters each. Headlines are the first thing potential customers see. Highlight how you or your service can help the user. Remember, you are trying to solve the usersā€™ current or potential problem. You want these lines to be relevant and drive the customersā€™ eyes. Try to include relevant keywords or keywords that are performing well. This can help increase quality score and drive click through rates way up.


Towards the bottom of the text ad creation box are the description lines. There are two description lines at 90 characters each. Here is where you draw customers in. Description lines should be informative. Give users more information regarding your business, your products, or compelling numbers from sales or costs for your items or services. Think of ad copy in description lines like an elevator pitch. It should be short and to the point, but valuable. Include a call to action and tell the user what it is you want them to do. Donā€™t forget to use proper punctuation, and title case throughout your ad copy as well.

Path Fields

There are also optional display path fields. Path fields are shown after the website domain below your headlines. There are two spaces for path fields at 15 characters each. These are words that will give the user a little more information on the ads landing page. For example, if you are a toy company and your website is, ā€œwww.Toys.com,ā€ but you are landing a particular ad to your toy truck page. Your path field lines might have ā€œToyā€ and ā€œTruckā€. Now the displayed URL under your headlines will look like this,ā€www.Toys.com/Toy/Truck.ā€ Instantly, users know exactly where your ad will take them before even clicking your ad!

Now you are all ready to write some amazing ad copy! Try to keep your ad copy inline with what users are searching for. Test out new ad copy and compare results with previous variations. Try to solve your usersā€™ problem, but remember not all users are searching to immediately purchase an item or a service. Some might be casually trying to get information, find solutions, or identify services available for a budding problem. You can do this. Take your time, sit down, grab some snacks, take the above writing into much consideration, and write some amazing ad copy!

Need some extra help with writing engaging ad copy? No worries – we can help! Improve your Google Ad campaigns and build strong ad copy by contacting our qualified digital marketing experts at Aronson Advertising today at (847) 297-1700!

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