Tips for your next Facebook Lead Ad Campaign

Man pointing finger with light

The age-old adage of Quality over Quantity,” stands true with most leads generated from any type of paid campaign(s). Your business should always try to aim at capturing quality user information if you plan to turn new users into converting customers. If your business is running any type of lead campaign through Facebook Business Manager, follow along with our team of social experts to ensure optimal campaign performance.

Optimizing your lead ad correctly

Getting started with Facebook Business Manager is easy. Once you have selected the ‘Lead’ option for your type of campaign, completed the necessary set up with your optimizations, and uploaded your graphic to the ad gallery, the final touch will be to create your lead form. Most users who engage with Facebook are accessing this platform through a mobile device so keep in mind the user experience (UX) during the creation of your lead form. If users don’t have an easy time understanding and filling out your form, they will most likely opt out of submitting their information.

While you are creating your lead ad, make sure you pay close attention to the settings of your lead ad. Facebook defaults all new forms to be, ‘Restricted’, which means your ad will only serve to your target audience. To have a better chance at obtaining new leads, we suggest eliminating the defaulted ‘Restricted’ setting for the ‘Open’ setting that is also provided. This means that if a social user who saw your lead ad shares that same lead ad to their timeline or profile, users who see that person’s share can also engage with the ad, increasing your chance for a conversion.

Moving through your lead form, when it comes time to input a headline for your form, simply type what your user will obtain by submitting their information. Is it a free car wash or perhaps ten percent off a service? Whatever it may be, keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Once you have created your headline, move onto the description of your lead form. This is where you should limit your text to be between two to three sentences. These sentences should support your headline.

Next, you will be asked to provide the type(s) of contact information you want to capture from your users. There are a plethora of options you can choose from, but the way in which the Facebook algorithm is set up, you should try to select fields that will automatically populate for your user(s). These fields will be the user name and user email. The reason why these fields automatically populate is because they are both required from a user to sign up for a Facebook page. Choosing fields that don’t require any work for the user will increase your chance for a successful form submission. If you ask your user to manually fill out multiple different fields before submission, you could potentially increase your chance the user may bounce. Finally, add a tracking method to your lead ad so you can properly track the results provided from each campaign.

Ensuring a third-party partner for automatic delivery

When running lead ads from Facebook Business Manager, most often your leads will be directed right into your client’s ad account(s). Business Manager actively refreshes the CSV file that houses your leads returned by each ad campaign, so it’s extremely important that you are downloading and utilizing this file each day. Each CSV file contains the user information you chose to capture when setting up your lead form.

If you are looking for an automated process, getting in touch with a third-party partner is key. Having a third-party help with your ad delivery will lessen the work you will have to do each day. This is mainly because a third party will help to direct all leads provided by each of your ads directly into your desired Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. These leads will be delivered in real-time, so that you and your business have a higher chance for communicating with your customers that same day. If your lead file sits inside your ad account, these leads run a higher chance of going cold and the user may no longer be interested in your sale or service that was originally provided.

Taking these tips into consideration, our social team is here to help ensure your leads are getting delivered the right way. Contact Aronson Advertising at (847) 297-1700 today!

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