Team Member Tuesday: Chantal Redmond

Every single member of the digital marketing team at Aronson Advertising, Inc. brings a fresh perspective to the table, ultimately making our approach to marketing even more original. Chantal Redmond, the newest addition to the content team at Aronson Advertising, has spent time in Thailand learning Kung Fu, as well as undertaking a variety of writing endeavors. Join us as we talk to Chantal about everything from contemporary writers to travel, and how they inform her job as a content writer at our Chicago-based automotive advertising agency.

Q: What is your favorite aspect of working on the content team?

A: The fact that we’re truly a team and everyone is incredibly helpful and knowledgeable. Whether I have a question about format, office culture, or cars, everyone is very thorough and honest.

Q: What is your favorite aspect of content writing/digital marketing?

A: I’m really stretching my writing skills. It’s a different way for me to be creative because I’m used to writing about people and ideas, and making arguments.

Q: How do your past educational/work/personal experiences tie into your role at Aronson?

A: I like to travel, and the challenges I’ve had to handle during those experiences taught me things I use everyday at Aronson. For example, while I was learning Kung Fu, it was difficult, but it taught me to be patient with myself—a recurring lesson. When I was in Thailand, I had to accept lots of situations as they were: the food, the weather, the distance from home, and countless other little things I took for granted before I left. That taught me to accept my current situation, get through it, and to be grateful, which is what I do at Aronson everyday. I guess that’s the long way for me to say it’s helped to improve my work ethic.

Q: What are some of your interests and hobbies outside of work? In what ways are these hobbies meaningful and fulfilling?

A: I truly believe that knowledge is power and that self-care is important. I try to read and I listen to podcasts often. Working out and training in martial arts is the only way I can workout without it being a chore. It makes me feel like a beast and keeps me in shape.

Q: What is your favorite social media platform and why?

A: Instagram is my favorite and Snapchat is a close second. I love photography and visual art, and you get to see people doing stuff that makes them happy, too.

Q: Who are some of your favorite writers and why?

A: Now you know that’s not a fair question. So many. From the top of my head: Marjane Satrapi because of her graphic novel Persepolis, Allen Ginsberg because of Howl, Chinua Achebe is a good one. René Goscinney, the author of Asterix and Obelix, because he got me into French comics. Langston Hughes is a nice one, too. Besides his poems, I respect what he stood for.

Q: What does your ideal weekend look like?

A: Ideally I’m hanging with my favorite people, exploring Chicago (or any new place), or doing anything involving good food.

Q: Do you have any quotes or principles that sum up your worldview? If so, care to share?

A: “Let no one leave you without being better or happier.” I try to live by it, as much as possible. Truthfully, I just do my best to be true to myself no matter what, and try to remember that my journey is mine alone. What someone else is doing and how is no reflection of me, and what they have to say or how they feel about it is their business.

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